There are a few terms to understand in order to use our API effectively.
In the context of online communication, messages usually originate from a specific channel, such as a live chat or a private discussion. This differentiation of channels allows for better moderation, as each channel can have its own rules and moderators. From there, messages are associated with a particular source, such as a user account or a specific page on the platform. Finally, all these sources are associated with an organization, which may be an individual or a group.
This hierarchical structure allows for better organization and categorization of online content. It also provides greater flexibility and personalization of moderation rules. As a result, it is simpler to track and analyze messages, making it easier to moderate and enforce online community standards.

The organization represents the global account holder of your account.
Use this to establish and differentiate your various sources of data or incoming messages.
These sources may include your website, blog, Facebook page, YouTube channel, Twitch account, mobile application, forum, and more.
By using sources, you can easily distinguish between the various platforms that you need to moderate.
The channel provides flexibility to adjust your moderation needs for a given source.
For example, on a mobile application, you could create one channel for public communication and another for private messages.
Since private communication involves fewer people and has less impact, you could lower your moderation standards on one channel
while keeping them strict on the other.
Moderation rules
All moderation rules can be adjusted based on the specific needs and purposes of each channel. For instance, channels designated for official announcements may require stricter moderation than those dedicated to casual conversation. This flexibility enables organizations to tailor their community engagement, providing users with a more personalized experience while ensuring better management of the community.
The Taxonomy is a glossary used to classify message analyses. It is composed of four main categories, which are accessible through reference pages:
Our technology and moderation quality are continuously improving. Therefore, we reserve the right to add new taxonomy terms at any time. We will notify you of these new terms, and a changelog will be published each time.